Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Bird (no, Kit) Food

Buddy has gotten picky.

Not your standard, "I don't want peas: they're green," toddler tantrums. Instead, he's eating just enough to keep me in the palm of his hands. He has me right where he wants me...he knows I'll cave and give him whatever he'll eat.With that being said here's what the bug absorbs in a day's time:

Breakfast: Carbs. Nutritious Artificially Flavored Carbs. And a Ba-Ba.

Lunch: More Carbs. Animal Crackers or PBsandwich. No jelly. Maybe a banana (if it's ripe enough:but not too ripe because the texture's off) or peaches (if they're canned with heavy syrup: he knows the difference). Juice is also accepted.

Dinner: Even more Carbs. Mac&Cheese is nice. Don't forget the Ba-Ba. (Leave those greens in a can, mom.) Maybe some raisins. Or pickles.

I know what you're thinking (I'm thinking it too) and I this is unacceptable: I need to find ways to infuse goodness into the Bug's tummy. So how do you outsmart a smarty-pants?
I started with subtle changes. I gave him pasta, only it was whole wheat. Then I switched that up for Quinoa pasta. And you know what? He couldn't tell. So I felt even more brave and added broccoli to the pasta while it was cooking (it was mush by the time the pasta was done). And he still couldn't tell!
Now I need to find something besides mac&cheese as he has moved on and no longer finds it savory.

Any other super moms out there? How do you sneak goodness into your weeones bellies?

1 comment:

  1. Just keep presenting the healthy options to him. Their tastes change quickly I have found. As for our stubborn variety of child, we have resorted to videotaping him saying he likes things so that the next time we present it, it can't say he hates it and refuse so easily. Of course now he has caught on to the fact that we will use his words against him in the court of the kitchen. Oh and the spinach mini-raviolis were a hit because he couldn't see the green under the pasta and the red sauce. Good luck!
