Why didn't peer pressure disappear like the rest of our high school classmates?
Why do we feel the need to compare?
I hate facebook. I hate Pintrest. I hate the media.
I hate doilies and quilts.
I hate balanced meals cooked from scratch.
And I especially hate houses that have no dust bunnies.
yet we put these crazy unrealistic standards in our minds of how we
should or shouldn't dress, eat, act or raise our children! I had someone
very recently question me about my tactics in raising Bug: Was I using
flashcards? Was he using the potty yet? Do I follow the Montessori
method? Does he get enough sunlight? Do I use so-and-so type of vitamin?
My answer to you, Mr. and Mrs. NaySayer, is this:
I am capable! I am sufficient! I AM SUPER MOM!
Yes, my house needs to be dusted.
Yes, my meals my come from a box (sometimes).
Yes, my child wears second hand clothes.
Yes, he is deathly pale.
he is cherished! He is adored! Not a day goes by that I don't surround
him with prayer, asking God to help me train him to become the man he
was made to be. Does he know his letters and numbers? No. Does he know
how to write in cursive? No. Does he poopoo in the potty? No.
But he will!
going to breathe in this time, this season, and not fast-forward to the
next one. I'll never get this time back. And who knows: A few of you
out there can join me, and we can create a new norm.
One of unconditional love, acceptance and contentment with whatever season we're in.
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